
The goal of La Caldera is to support the creation of artistic careers and that is why one of its core programs in the center is the residences, spaces for experimentation and research, creation and production where the artist feels welcomed and accompanied to develop his job.

Cuerpo de Trabajo

Un encuentro que nace del deseo de proyectar y generar espacios para el pensamiento, el hacer y el futuro colectivo en nuestro ámbito, y se topa con la investigación que Lara Brown lleva a cabo acerca de las condiciones artísticas, laborales y afectivas a las que se expone un cuerpo en contextos escénicos y museísticos, activando piezas performativas, coreografías, como performer, bailarinx o maker.

HOP Festival

HOP Festival acoge y fomenta la creación contemporánea de la danza y la cultura urbana. Trabajamos en red con otros agentes del sector cultural a escala internacional para abrir nuevas vías de creación contemporánea en las artes escénicas y las artes visuales, ofrecer apoyo a los artistas y contribuir a su profesionalización.


Referents és la línia de programació de La Caldera que es proposa com un espai de trobada entre les artistes residents i artistes de referència, de llarga trajectòria i amb una feina consolidada, que d'alguna manera estan vinculats o poder ser referencials per als treballs seleccionats en residència.

Jornadas de Salud Mental y Danza

El Grupo CHM Salut Mental y La Caldera os invitamos a una serie de encuentros vivenciales y cercanos entre personas vinculadas con el ámbito de la salud mental, la danza y otras manifestaciones artísticas alrededor del cuerpo.

Internationalization Vermouths

The 2024 Virtual Vermouths for Mobility and Internationalization are a connection and support device for the resident artists at La Caldera in 2024, going beyond the times dedicated to research, creation, and production at the heart of the house.

La Cora

El coro popular de La Caldera es un espacio semanal para el trabajo, formación y desarrollo de la voz como parte indisociable de la acción corporal, abierto a todas las personas interesadas.

Càpsules de creació en cru

Moments of discovery with resident and creators. They share their artistic practice, the current state of their projects, materials and questions that appear in and nourish their work in a comfortable and relaxed way. Informal shows, presentations with different levels of exhibitions, open sessions of study, screenings, conversations and and other devices help to uncover the interior of the creative processes.

Caldera Grec

La Caldera collaborates with the Grec Festival of Barcelona with scenic proposals related to dance and the body that it seeks to complement with related parallel activities such as workshops, conversations and laboratories.


NETI NETI es un proyecto-contexto de investigación, práctica y transmisión de conocimiento de Amalia Fernández. Un campo de estudio que invita a 8 artistas referenciales de la danza a una serie de encuentros íntimos, que desembocarán en un momento de apertura pública y un Programa anual de No Laboratorios para la transmisión y colectivización de la investigación

Dansa Metropolitana

La Caldera collaborates with Dansa Metropolitana, a program promoted by the Barcelona City Council and which proposes activities around dance.


La fiesta Descomunal de día es una jornada para encontrarnos y disfrutar de un domingo bailando juntas, comiendo juntas, celebrando juntas y descansando juntas.

Fora de Reserves

Fuera de reservas es un programa de acogida temporal en los centros educativos públicos de obras del fondo de arte contemporáneo de la ciudad, creadas por artistas en activo en Barcelona.


Movement laboratory for children between 5 and 9 years old. Every quarter, La Caldera invites a creator to guide the workshop and share her artistic universe with the little ones in the house.

Festa Major Les Corts

La Caldera collaborates with the Festivities of the neighborhood organizing the 'Toc d'inici' in collaboration with the Diables Les Corts and with the District of Les Corts.

Dance at the schools

Educational program co-produced by La Caldera and the District of Les Corts that aims to bring dance to students of schools and institutes in the city, offering a program adapted and designed for each age group.

IF Barcelona

IF Barcelona es un festival y una plataforma internacional de investigación, producción y exhibición de artes escénicas vinculadas al teatro visual, de objetos y títeres.

En Residència

En Residència is a project that proposes to the artists to conceive a work specifically designed to be carried out together with a group of compulsory secondary education students. Throughout the entire course and within school hours, students participate in its conception and implementation.

Hacer Historia(s)

Ciclo bi-anual un ciclo de danza contemporánea y performance organizado y comisariado por La Poderosa, que se interesa por el archivo, la memoria, la historia y el cuerpo y se hace en colaboración con diferentes equipamientos de la ciudad.

Lo Otro

La Caldera collects traces of materials and practices shared by the artists who pass through the center, to make their work visible and accessible, through publications.

Family activities

La Caldera wants to bring dance closer to the various contexts of the city, reaching audiences of different ages with proposals for family programming and intergenerational workshops.



Corpografies is a line of programation of La Caldera focused on the bodily and narrative writings of presence. Works by creators that investigate the body's and movement's ability to articulate a sensitive discourse, where body is text and thought is action.


ESTO follows the processes of creation of some of the resident artists at La Caldera, trying to gather the knowledge, often difficult to name or translate into words, that appear inside these processes.


ARAR are the proposals of our accomplices for the celebration of the 25th anniversary of La Caldera. Different ways of being together from the distance, imagining and practicing other ways of sharing time. It is the way we have found to sustain artistic practices during the pandemic.

Sporá Prógrama

The vitality and renewal capacity of a creative ecosystem depends on the exchange of information, experiences and knowledge between its agents. Crossing spaces, possible collisions and symbiosis, are the indispensable food for the emergence of new artistic forms and languages.

Brut Nature

Device that puts in relation a part of the creators in residence. For two weeks they occupy La Caldera to continue developing their individual projects but also, and above all, to enter and allow themselves to be intoxicated by the creative universes of others.


Conversations with the creators of Sporá Prógrama where they speak and tell about their experience and practice, in a document that is intended to be a transmission and archiving tool.

Barris en dansa

A Iliacandance company project that is based on the creation of a professional dance show with non-professionals participants from different neighborhoods of Barcelona.

Creació i Museus

Project that links the Creation Factories of Barcelona with different museums in the city to work together on a proposal that is presented within the Grec Festival program.


Amateurs is a project of a group of partners from La Caldera, who want to collect in a show the expansion of dance and the languages of movement among the non-professional persons.

Acció mutant

Before being a center for dance, the current building in La Caldera was a cinema and before that, a car factory. With this cycle we want to pay attention to the container, the uses and functions that this space has had.

Summer Stage

Summer Stage is an international meeting for high-level dancers and choreographers where courses, training exchanges and work opening moments are offered.

Entrenaments oberts

La Caldera proposes weekly open trainings, taught by dancers and choreographers of different kinds, with the aim of offering a sustained maintenance space for professionals.