Entre 2021-2022
After the 9th edition, the Festival Sâlmon segueix amb l'ENTRE, the transition between the Sâlmon of 2021 and 2022 that, allunyat of the firal dynamics, frequent pels festivals, puts the focus on the processes of creation, les trobades, residències , publications and actions that keep the foc on, fent créixer the full of flux pel that vindrà.
During 2021, the quatre structures co-organizers of Sâlmon (Antic Teatre, La Caldera, Graner and La Poderosa), segueixen to share that space col·lectiu que es l'ENTRE, in diàleg amb l'acompanyament held throughout the time that it is held in els seus espais.
A BETWEEN that also aculls the views of other complicit international structures and of the curatorial team of the 2021 and 2022 editions and that is built as a process to continue together, activating a new flow of ink, which marks the field cap a a Sâlmon 22, face to map.
The Sâlmon ENTRE is a flux of actions that crystallizes a work in common between the Antic Teatre, La Caldera, Graner and La Poderosa. At the suport d'Iberescena, Generalitat de Catalunya - Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals, AC / E i Ajuntament de Barcelona - Institut de Cultura de Barcelona. In diàleg amb workspacebrussels, Das Theater, Alkantara Festival, La Corvette i Santarcangelo Festival.
Per veure totes the actions that l'ENTRE proposes, you can consult the festival's website.