Residencies 2025


The committee formed by Bea Fernández, Idoya Zabaleta, Guillem Mont de Palol, Claudia Moreso, Maria Tamarit and Javier Cuevas has selected the following proposals for the La Caldera 2025 Residències Program:

Creation residencies:

Alina Ruiz Folini, Quillén Mut, Ritó Natálio and Silvio Lang - Protesta Existencial
Bárbara Sánchez - La casa de Bernarda Alba. Drama de mujeres para un cuerpo
Carmelo Salazar - Puede ser una mirada, un detalle o una prenda de vestir
Clara Tena y Sara Fontán - Qui no s'ha deprimit (títol provisional)
Elisa Arteta - extracorporal
Javi Cruz - No se silba (título provisional)
Joaquín Collado - Ahora el baile
Júlia Rúbies - She Spells Sea Shells on the Shea Sore
Julio Hu Chen - Qué ves cuando ves amarillo
Natália Mendonça - Chorume
Noela Covelo and Élise Moreau - Aplauso, vicio
Pol Jiménez - ¿Y la Copla?
Taller Placer - De todas las colinas llegaban gritos

Technical Residències:

Darío Bardam - PHANTOM
Raquel Gualtero - Complete Revolution

The selection committee and the management team of La Caldera have deemed it advisable to increase the number of creation residencies from 10 to 13, donant It is necessary to all the proposals that are found after the deliberations in very similar conditions to access the supports that this call proposes. The economic resources of the Residències item will be proportionally increased but there are no resources to the initial 10+2.

From La Caldera we sincerely appreciate the work of all the artists presented, and we offer a period of return and telephone feedback for all those artists who have chosen.

We will schedule the details from the 2nd and the end to the 13th of September (period for sol·bidding in writing, one day and one hour for feedback).

Les trucades are published throughout the month of September and October during morning time.

To request this personal feedback, write to us at


La Caldera opens the annual call for the residency program for the period from January to December 2025.

This year, the call has two modalities: creation residency and technical residency.

It is planned to host a total of 12 projects: 10 creation residencies and 2 technical residencies.

Aimed at creators, groups and researchers linked to the performing arts, with artistic careers, who consider the body, dance and/or movement as a material, tool or central question of their project. Its origin can be local, national and international.


The call for 2025's residencies has a budget of €30,000.00 destinated directly to artists and companies (in addition to the budget destinated to production expenses covered by La Caldera) for the following expenses:

  • "Fees for the development of the residency" for the Creation Modality, distributed among the selected projects based on the artistic team, temporality, duration and associated production expenses (with a minimum of €1,500.00 per project).
  • And “Maintenance” for the Technical Modality (which also covers the expenses associated with technical personnel for assembly, support, disassembly).

La Caldera will also cover national and international travel expenses (up to a maximum to be negotiated), as well as accommodation options.

La Caldera is a project sensitive to the conciliation between care times and work times, and offers the flexibility and conditions necessary to welcome artists who are parenting and those in care of other dependent people.

Likewise, La Caldera is working on the development of internal care protocols for possible situations of discomfort, abuse or violence in the development of conviviality and work at the center.

La Caldera has hold an online information session on Friday, May 17, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. 

Recording of the sesion (in spanish):


You can consult the projects selected in previous calls here.



Creation residencies

Intended to host projects (10) in their entirety or in a specific phase of the creation process. The objective is to offer time and space to delve deeper into the work processes and subjects in a specialized context that allows the maturation and evolution of the proposals presented.

We can offer you:

  • Financial contribution under the concept of fees (minimum €1,500.00 gross and the rest depending on the artistic team, temporality, duration and associated production expenses).
  • Free rehearsal space. The timing (intensity, duration, calendar...) will be studied and agreed to try to adjust as much as possible to the needs and rhythms of each project, taking into account availability in relation to the other activities carried out at La Caldera.
  • La Caldera has three studios with different dimensions, configurations, equipment and possibilities that define the type of work they can accommodate. We advise you to visit this link to adapt your proposal to its characteristics:
  • Domestic and international travel expenses and accommodation options.
  • The possibility of artistic accompaniment during the process in dialogue with La Caldera's team.
  • The opportunity to generate appropriate contexts to share the creation process and open it to external views with different levels of exposure within the framework of the Càpsules de Creació en Cru.
  • Free entrence to all La Caldera public activities.
  • The option to participate in one of the different activities, exchange projects and collaborations that La Caldera generates.
  • The participation in mobility and internationalization projects activated from La Caldera.
  • A free counseling session with Elclimamola.
  • Internet access via WiFi.
  • Access to common spaces of the center.
  • Visibility and dissemination through the center's different communication channels.

Documentation to send for the creation residency modality:

Completed form. Fill it out here.

  • Description of the project to be carried out with a brief summary of the idea and current moment of the proposal: starting point or motivation, general lines, methodology, interests and objectives of the work that is intended to be carried out throughout the residency [maximum 3 pages]
  • Images or video fragments of previous work or of the proposal presented, in case it is already being worked on.
  • Complementary information: related materials or content, background or references, career and previous work...
  • Artistic and production team with CV of the participants: most relevant features in terms of training and professional experience. [maximum half page per person]
  • Work calendar, possible periods of work
  • Specify if the proposal is supported by other centers or spaces and if it has any co-production or public support.
  • Portrait photo of the applicant artist


Technical residencies

La Caldera has one studio provided with a black camera and technical equipment that allows the residents to work on the staging and exhibitions possibilities, open to the public with a maximum capacity of 100 people. Ideal for hosting technical residencies for small and medium-sized proposals in their final phase of development or that, due to the nature of the research, they need a space with technical equipment.

We offer

  • Food allowances and maintenance for the whole week of technical work (to be calculated based on the artistic team)
  • Exlusive use of the studio for a maximum period of 5 continuous days (technical work) and a previous week of study and work in the room (without technical service) to facilitate the implementation of the proposal in the case of projects that are in the final phase.
  • The calendar and period will be specified with the creators according to the needs of each project and in relation to the availability of the center.
  • Technical equipment: lighting, sound, video projector.
  • Free services and technical assistance for assembly and disassembly.
  • In the event that the resident project does not have its own technicians or they are not sufficient for the objectives of the residency, the possibility of expanding technical support will be studied and the conditions will be agreed upon in advance.
  • National and international travel expenses and the possibility of accommodation will be covered.
  • The possibility of accompaniment during the work process in dialogue with the La Caldera team.
  • The opportunity to generate appropriate contexts to share the creation process and open it to external views with different levels of exposure within the framework of the Càpsules de Creació en Cru.
  • Free entrance to all of La Caldera activities.
  • The option to participate in one of the different activities, exchange projects and collaborations that La Caldera generates.
  • Participation in mobility and internationalization devices and projects activated from La Caldera.
  • A free counseling session with Elclimamola.
  • Internet access via WiFi.
  • Access to common spaces of the center.
  • Visibility and dissemination through the center's different communication channels.

Documentation to send for the technical residency modality:

Completed form. Fill it out here.

  • Description or dossier of the proposal you want to work on.
  • Description od all the needs about the space, technical equipment and personnel, as well as the approximate duration and ideal period for the residence that can be forecast already.
  • Images or video fragments of the piece, in case you are already working on it.
  • Complementary information: methodology, related materials or content, background or references, career and previous work...
  • Artistic, production and technical team with CV of the participants: most relevant features in terms of training and professional experience. [maximum half page per person]
  • Specify if the proposal is supported by other centers or spaces and if it has any co-production or public support.
  • Portrait photo of the applicant artist

Project selection

Evaluation criteria:

The main criterion will be the quality of the artistic proposal and its interest in the context of contemporary scenic creation. Below we point out other criteria or interests, as a guide, that coincide with the lines of work currently developed by La Caldera.

  • Clarity in the presentation of the proposal, methodology, planning and coherence of the project.
  • New visions and ways of approaching creation, open to risk and experimentation with languages, methodologies and formats.
  • Ability to generate a context of reflection and critical thinking around the proposal.
  • Predisposition and interest in establishing a dialogue with the center to define possible mechanisms to collect and share knowledge resulting from practices and creation processes.
  • We are especially interested in attending to and promoting young creation, as well as supporting the work of senior artists and making room for dissident practices in the field of dance and contemporary practices of body and movement.
  • Linkage with other artistic disciplines and areas of knowledge.
  • Projects capable of developing mediation and participation actions in connection with the artistic interests of the proposal.

Selection committee

The commission will be made up of performing arts professionals from various disciplines and profiles, external and linked to La Caldera. Once the selection process is completed, the commission will be made public.



This call is aimed at natural persons and legal entities.

To participate, it will be necessary to fill out the form specifying which modality you opt for and attach all the documentation requested according to the modality.

For any doubts, write to


Project and resolution reception period:

The deadline for receiving projects goes from Monday May 6th to Sunday June 2nd 2024 at 11:59 p.m.

The resolution of this call will be published on Wednesday July 31st 2024.


Contact information

The Caldera
Telephone 934156851