FREY FAUST is a 56 year old veteran of the New York contemporary dance scene, with a strong European renommée and intercontinental touring circuit. His focus for the last twenty years has shifted to the educational value of applied science in the arts, with an emphasis on anatomy and physics, including aspects of sociology and cognitive science. With the help of colleagues from the arts and sciences, He consolidated an interdisciplinary movement analysis and reference system called The Axis Syllabus (AS) in the late 1990's.
The Axis Syllabus. "Axis" is a reference to vector coordinates allowing the calculation of inertial values and kinetic energy equations, and "Syllabus" means a list or lexicon, organizing these referents and correlating them with documented practice. Having a non-specific cross-sector impact, The AS has met with an enthusiastic, international response from various performance oriented artists, as well as a wide cross-section of the scientific community. Twelve years ago, prompted by a convincing popular interest in this work, Frey founded the AS - International Research Community, which has since developed an instructor's certification process with operational centers in seven countries and participants in development and study numbering in the thousands.