Elena Carvajal, Fran Martínez

Profile picture for user Elena Carvajal- Fran Martínez

Fran Martínez trains in acting and dance in Spain, Portugal and Belgium. She receives the DanceWeb – ImpulsTanz Festival 2019 scholarship. She has worked with Teatro Ensalle, Tino Sehgal, Dora García, Amélia Bentes, Berio Molina, Meytal Blanaru, Jesús Rubio, Marta Pazos, Rut Balbís, Lucía Estévez, Natalia Fernandes and Colectivo Glovo among others. Co-founder of the company Pálido Domingo and currently collaborates with Elena Carvajal and RosanayAris. Temperature Temperament, his first creation, was premiered in 2015 at the Ensalle Theater in Vigo and received the jury prize at the GraciasXFavor – Santander 2017 festival. Last October he premiered TRANSFIXIÓN, a project supported by Centro Cultural Conde Duque + Choreographers in Community, Centro Danza Canal, Teatro Ensalle and La Caldera. Fascinated by the mystery of being a body.

Elena Carvajal. Born in Merida. Elena Carvajal is a dancer and choreographer living between Brussels and Barcelona. She trains in contemporary dance at the Andalusian Dance Center and the Antonio Ruiz Soler Conservatory in Seville. In 2019 she graduated from the Master of the ISAC program (Higher Institute of Art and Choreography) at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels. She is currently training in Fascia-therapy at the Body Mind Academy in Belgium. Her work slips between choreography and installation, dedicated to the dialogue between the writing of space and movement. In her creations she explores light, sound, language and imagination as leading figures that contribute to the creation of a landscape. She is interested in shared practices and magic. As a performer he has worked for Gisèle Vienne (Crowd), Dora García (Somewhere, Two Planets Have Been Colliding for Thousands of Years) at LaVerrière, Fondation Hèrmes, Brussels, Fabián Barba-Esteban Donoso at Slugs' garden/slug cultivation Festival Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Lola Bogaert (Plethora) among others. Since 2020 she has developed and shared her work with Fran Martínez, with whom she has created her latest pieces: not really now and somafiction. He regularly collaborates with Maite Álvarez, Neus Masdeu and RosanayAris.

Residencia técnica

Realmente ahora no ya no

Realmente ahora no ya no despliega escénicamente una publicación a través de la voz, el movimiento y los fantasmas del paisaje. Lo que sucede durante la obra tuvo lugar hace tiempo en otro(s) lugar(es) y con otras personas.

A través de este proyecto exploramos las nociones de relato, invisibilidad, expectativa y cómo cuestionamos la autoría de nuestro propio trabajo. Es una renegociación del deseo de narrar y de hacerlo a través de otras voces. Una invitación a escuchar, una secuencia sonora, restos de una hoguera, fragmentos de una conversación entre M, L, N, F, A, L y O.

Durante nuestra estancia en La Caldera llevaremos a cabo una residencia técnica del proyecto junto a nuestra partner in crime Laura Iturralde. Llevamos mucho tiempo manoseando estos materiales. En La Caldera seguiremos amasando realmente ahora no ya no, imaginando cómo sería compartirla con un público.